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Security and Access Control Products

﷽Series provide a variety of security-integrated locks, wireless IOT locks and other products. Smart card, fingerprint, mobile phone APP, mobile phone WeChat, mobile phone bluetooth and others serve as the "key" to open the door lock. The centralized control of the integrated door lock and the IOT wireless door lock is realized through the card control platform

Product Features

Features cuting-edge technology, including a patented "One Card, One Code" encryption algorithm, authenfication encoding, and anti-copy card technology

Complies with the highest standards in the GB 50348-2018 security engineering technology

Holds CE and UL certifications

💮Supports RS485, TCP/IP, WiFi, 3G/4G, NB-IoT, and LoRa IoT communication

Features cuting-edge technology, including a patented "One Card, One Code" encryption algorithm, authenfication encoding, and anti-copy card technology

Complies with the highest standards in the GB 50348-2018 security engineering technology

Holds CE and UL certifications

🦩Supports RS485, TCP/IP, WiFi, 3G/4G, NB-IoT, and LoRa IoT communication

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Application scenario

Intelligent buildings, office buildings, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factories, hospitals, hotels, park attractions and other office areas, storage places for important items.


Intelligent buildings, office buildings, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factories, hospitals, hotels, park attractions and other office areas, storage places for important items.


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Core technologies

♏One-card-one-key encryption patent algorithm, anti-duplication technology, narrowband IOT technology, state secret access control.

One-card-one-key encryption patent algorithm, anti-duplication technology, narrowband IOT technology, state secret access control.
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Success Case

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