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Smart Parking Series

🧸Intelligent parking series provide intelligent license plate identification control terminal, intelligent license plate identification integrated barrier gate. It adopts the latest automatic license plate identification technology to realize all-weather license plate identification, complete the automatic control and management of parking in and out, electric brakes, support the image of vehicles in and out of the field, record and query statistics, pay fees by one key on the mobile phone, lock the vehicle by one key, and other functions.

Product Features

𒉰collect the payment design with multiple payment channels, unattended parking management; high integration AI high definition license plate identification, and the identification rate up to 99.8%; support tide shared parking space management; support alerting or alarming of unlicensed and licensed vehicles; support payment by one key and one-key car lock function; support large and small parking lots (nested parking) management. 

ꦑcollect the payment design with multiple payment channels, unattended parking management; high integration AI high definition license plate identification, and the identification rate up to 99.8%; support tide shared parking space management; support alerting or alarming of unlicensed and licensed vehicles; support payment by one key and one-key car lock function; support large and small parking lots (nested parking) management. 

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Application scenario

ꦚThe parking lot of intelligent building, office building, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factory, hospital, hotel, park attraction and so on.

💫The parking lot of intelligent building, office building, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factory, hospital, hotel, park attraction and so on.

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Core technologies

🧔AI license plate identification technology, AI Big Data cloud computing

🐲AI license plate identification technology, AI Big Data cloud computing

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Success Case

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