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DasIoT Edge Controller of Das Intellitech

🥃Edge controller is used as local node that can quickly respond to local events and realize protocol unification, north-south data collaboration, computing algorithm, data security, data unloading, data cleaning, event emergency processing, and so on. The cloud center business capability is decentralized to the edge of the network, closer to the user, to meet the different stages of data bearing requirements, greatly shorten the network delay and improve data processing efficiency. 

Product Features

🔯Infrastructure capability, edge platform capability, management and security capability and application and service capability 

🎀Infrastructure capability, edge platform capability, management and security capability and application and service capability 

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Application scenario

💜Edge computing controller is applied in intelligent building, intelligent transportation, intelligent hospital and other fields.

ﷺEdge computing controller is applied in intelligent building, intelligent transportation, intelligent hospital and other fields.

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Core technologies

🦋Capability of connection, storage and computing 

⛎Capability of connection, storage and computing 

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Success Case

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