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Smart Ticketless Parking

🐽Smart Ticketless Parking Application includes Parking Management Products and Parking Guidance Products. It integrates AI high-definition license plate dynamic identification technology, computer network, video monitoring, intelligent image recognition and automatic control technology to manage the vehicles in the parking lot automatically, including visitor parking booking, vehicle identification, access control, automatic license plate recognition, parking space retrieval, parking space guidance, reverse car searching, image display, vehicles drinking, time calculation, fee collection and verification, voice intercom and other series of operations.

Product Features

Parking Management Products

Integrated AI License Plate System

Ticketless Parking SystemAlert for Fake PlatesEasy Payment & LockingDiscount Payments SupportTidal Parking ManagementAbnormal Vehicle AlertWide DynamicMulti-Lot ManagementMultiple Payment OptionsValet Payment Function

Parking Guidance Products

🥃Automatically identifies license plates, car logos, and shapes

Connects to LED screens for real-time parking space displayDetects parking space availability and controls LED lightsEnsures uninterrupted operation with power-off escapeFault equipment bypass mechanism99.8% license plate recognition accuracyMobile-based vehicle location functionSupports parking space reservationHigh indoor positioning accuracy (2-3 meters)2D/3D map switching

Parking Management Products

Integrated AI License Plate System

Ticketless Parking SystemAlert for Fake PlatesEasy Payment & LockingDiscount Payments SupportTidal Parking ManagementAbnormal Vehicle AlertWide DynamicMulti-Lot ManagementMultiple Payment OptionsValet Payment Function

Parking Guidance Products

💮Automatically identifies license plates, car logos, and shapes

Connects to LED screens for real-time parking space displayDetects parking space availability and controls LED lightsEnsures uninterrupted operation with power-off escapeFault equipment bypass mechanism99.8% license plate recognition accuracyMobile-based vehicle location functionSupports parking space reservationHigh indoor positioning accuracy (2-3 meters)2D/3D map switching

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Application scenario

intelligent building, office building, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factory, hospital, hotel and park attractions' parking management platform.

intelligent building, office building, intelligent residential areas, enterprise factory, hospital, hotel and park attractions' parking management platform.

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Core technologies

edge computing, AI big data analysis algorithm 

smart· ticketless parking.png

edge computing, AI big data analysis algorithm 

smart· ticketless parking.png

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Success Case

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